Just testing the "newer" version of NoComment Forum

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16 Mar 2010 04:59

Just testing as Shane suggest me to do……

I don't own a DS… I'm just here 'cause I'm awesome :)

Kenneth Tsang (http://ktsang.tk/)


16 Mar 2010 05:00

Post Reply…

I don't own a DS… I'm just here 'cause I'm awesome :)

Kenneth Tsang (http://ktsang.tk/)

Cannot edit (old post)

16 Mar 2010 06:38

To set up an iframe version - you do this:


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You might sandbox this as i'm not sure if it works…..

I don't own a DS… I'm just here 'cause I'm awesome :)

Kenneth Tsang (http://ktsang.tk/)

Cannot edit (old post)

16 Mar 2010 06:45

Also. You will need to apply the blank theme for editing….. I suggest adding this to the side bar:

[[div style="display: none;"]]
[[module ThemePreviewer noUi="true"]]

I don't own a DS… I'm just here 'cause I'm awesome :)

Kenneth Tsang (http://ktsang.tk/)

Cannot edit (old post)

17 Mar 2010 00:21

Thanks, will look into that code this weekend, and update the template site.

NDS lite (Jet Black) FW v5 | CycloDS Evo (Black) HW 1.1 | Transcend 8GB µSDHC Class 6 | EzFlash V 3in1+ (Black)
Nintendo 3DS: Message me if you want to exchange FC. Lost your game save files? You might want to try one of these.

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